We know that life looks a bit different than it did before the COVID-19 pandemic. For many, there is a natural cautiousness when returning to normal activities. You may have questions about a business’s safety protocols, especially when it involves your child and even more so when it involves returning to youth sports. At i9 Sports®, we take youth sports safety seriously.
We want to assure you that getting back to the fun of kids and sports will not come at the expense of safety. In our recreational youth sports leagues, we have undertaken a rigorous “Return to Play Safely” protocol to ensure the safety of your family and all participants. This season, you will notice a few new things during game day including the safety measures listed below.
As circumstances vary across the country, i9 Sports® local offices may consider putting into effect additional safety measures as necessary and in compliance with state and local guidelines. Please reference the program details section under each sport/program for more details. Bottom line, we want you to be able to return to play with confidence knowing you’ll get the same fun, quality instruction and convenience you’ve come to love and expect from i9 Sports®.
Until we see you again, let’s all do our part. And when it’s time to take the field or court again, we’ll make sure we do it together… safely.
We look forward to seeing you soon.