We Stand Together

Our nation is in crisis. Systemic racism and injustice have caused such deep hurt among so many that we want to leave no doubt where we stand.

At i9 Sports®, we believe racism and injustice have no place on or off the field. These are unacceptable in any form. We believe in equal opportunity and the ability to make the most of one’s abilities. We believe this moment is an urgent call for us to come together in our common humanity to work for positive change and social justice. We believe character counts and has never been more important in the world than it is today. 


We want to make it abundantly clear that i9 Sports® is a safe, inclusive sports environment, where children and families from all races and walks of life are always welcome, encouraged to participate, and able to have fun. We are committed to listening, learning, and helping people of all races, creeds, and walks of life put their differences aside through participation in sport.


Our nation needs sports now more than ever as this is where some of life’s most important lessons are learned. Teamwork. Respect. Listening. Fairness. Inclusivity. These are the exact same values our nation needs most to grow. We will do our part by teaching kids what these values truly mean. And if kids can learn from sports, we believe our communities can learn from kids. 


We look forward to seeing you at the fields soon. In the meantime, stay safe and well.

two youth flag football players